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Find some helpful resources here. You also find a list of tutorials we need for the course. The first tutorial is labeled as “mandatory”, means you need to follow it and show me your outcome. The second and third tutorial are labeled as “elective” – means you can choose freely, and use it as a basis for your own project. Of course you can also suggest alternatives, but please let me know what you are heading for…

Lo Poly AnimalGrant AbbitLoPolyBeginnerTutorial (recommended)
Learn Lo Poly ModellingImphenziaLoPolyBeginnerTutorial (recommended)
Lo Poly SpaceshipImphenziaLoPolyBeginnerTutorial (recommended)
Complete Beginners GuideGrant AbbitBasics, UI, MaterialsBeginnerTutorial (recommended)
Create Any AnimalGrant AbbitLoPoly, Animation RiggingBeginnerTutorial (recommended)
Beginner ModellingBlender GuruLoPoly, MaterialBeginnerTutorial (recommended)
Low Poly GirlPIXXO 3DLoPolyBeginnerTutorial (recommended)
Polygon RunwayPolygon RunwayLoPolyIntermediateTutorial (recommended)
Easy Abstract DesignDucky 3dParametric, Shader, Composition, CyclesIntermediateTutorial
Abstract EnvironmentDucky 3dShaderIntermediateTutorial
Rigid Body SimulationPoly FjordSimulation, AnimationIntermediateTutorial
Another spaceshipChipp WaltersShader, Greeble, DisplacementAdvancedTutorial
Greeble TutorialJoey CarlinoGeoNodesIntermediateTutorial
Massive EnvironmentKev BingeGeoNodesAdvancedTutorial
Donut TutorialBlender GuruBasicsBeginnerTutorial
01 Basic RecursionJoey CarlinoSnippetIntermediateTutorial
02 Basic Scatter Ryan King ArtSnippetIntermediateTutorial
Material BasicsBrandonMaterial NodesBeginnerTutorial
Texture CoordinatesErindaleTexture Coordinates ExplainesIntermediateTutorial
World Building in BelnderIan HubertWorld Building Lecture
Beeple lectureBeepleEverydaysLecture
Neil Blevins Neil BlevinsArt Lessons, about visualisationInfo
Sci-FiGridDucky 3dGeoNodes, Animation, fx-PostIntermediateElective
Artistic TreesCritical GiantModifiers, ShaderIntermediateElective
Landscape 1 A.N.T Landscape GeneratorTheCGEssentialsLandscapeIntermediateTutorial
Landscape 2 3D Terrain with google MapsCG GeekLandscapeAdvancedTutorial
Landscape 3Nicko 16Landscape, GIS, Google MapsAdvancedTutorial
Landscape 4 Parametric LandscapeChristoph WernerLandscapeIntermediateTutorial
Landsacpe 04 parametric landscapeSamuel SullinsLandscape, GeonodesIntermediateTutorial
Shortest PathJohnny MatthewsShortest Path, GeonodesW24Tutorial

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