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Digital Design & Production | IoA Institute of Architecture | University of Applied Arts Vienna

CGI 24/25 Summerterm

The course will address various topics within the field digital imagery and CG production. By introducing advanced tools and techniques and through productive experimentation we will also address the ongoing discussion around the digital realm, image sciences and the iconic turn. Students are invoked to further develop their technical abilities as well as define/refine/redefine an attitude towards their style of visual communication. We will also see the strong relation of DCC-production to our physical space, tools and effects.

CGI production overlaps the domain of architectural production although approaches and methods are slightly different. Where architects need to measure and keep a consistency between the existing physical space and the artifact, CGI production just operates in the realm of visual content.  CGI tools are more derived from sculptors painters photographers animators than from constructors or engineers.  CGI production needs to be fast, imaginative- consistency is needed just when you can see it. Think of a set design from the movies.


S01451 – Architectural Computer Generated Imagery (SEW)
04.03.2025 – 10:45 bis 12:30 | Seminarraum 31 (GCP, 1.OG)
11.03.2025 – 10:45 bis 12:30 | Seminarraum 31 (GCP, 1.OG)
18.03.2025 – 10:45 bis 12:30 | Seminarraum 31 (GCP, 1.OG)
25.03.2025 – 10:45 bis 12:30 | Seminarraum 31 (GCP, 1.OG)
01.04.2025 – 10:45 bis 12:30 | Seminarraum 32 (GCP, HP)
08.04.2025 – 10:45 bis 12:30 | Seminarraum 31 (GCP, 1.OG)
29.04.2025 – 10:45 bis 12:30 | Seminarraum 31 (GCP, 1.OG)
06.05.2025 – 10:45 bis 12:30 | Seminarraum 31 (GCP, 1.OG)
13.05.2025 – 10:45 bis 12:30 | Seminarraum 31 (GCP, 1.OG)
20.05.2025 – 10:45 bis 12:30 | Seminarraum 31 (GCP, 1.OG)
27.05.2025 – 10:45 bis 12:30 | Seminarraum 31 (GCP, 1.OG)

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