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Digital Design & Production | IoA Institute of Architecture | University of Applied Arts Vienna

CGI 24/25 Summerterm

The course will address various topics within the field digital imagery and CG production. By introducing advanced tools and techniques and through productive experimentation we will also address the ongoing discussion around the digital realm, image sciences and the iconic turn. Students are invoked to further develop their technical abilities as well as define/refine/redefine an […]

CGI 24/25
CGI 24/25

03 Main Project “Erratic Block” In ancient times a small community decided to live underneath a huge erratic block. They build their village in a way that the rock is prevented from falling down. Archeologists struggle so far to find out whether the stone was there before settlement or lifted up by humans. Also the […]

CGI 2024
CGI 2024

The course will address various topics within the field digital imagery and CG production. By introducing advanced tools and techniques and through productive experimentation we will also address the ongoing discussion around the digital realm, image sciences and the iconic turn. Students are invoked to further develop their technical abilities as well as define/refine an […]

CGI 23/24
CGI 23/24

The course will address various topics within the field digital imagery and CG production. By introducing advanced tools and techniques and through productive experimentation we will also address the ongoing discussion around the digital realm, image sciences and the iconic turn. Students are invoked to further develop their technical abilities as well as define/refine an […]

CGI 22/23
CGI 22/23

The course will address various topics within the field digital imagery and CG production. By introducing advanced tools and techniques and through productive experimentation we will also address the ongoing discussion around the digital realm, image sciences and the iconic turn. Students are invoked to further develop their technical abilities as well as define/refine an […]

CGI Repository

Find some helpful resources here. You also find a list of tutorials we need for the course. The first tutorial is labeled as “mandatory”, means you need to follow it and show me your outcome. The second and third tutorial are labeled as “elective” – means you can choose freely, and use it as a […]