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BENDSCAPE Optimized Manufacturing by Incorporating Tool Development and Machining in Design

Article published at the proceedings of the CAADRIA 2024 Conference in Singapore university of Technology and Design.

Abstract: The abundance of computationally designed and manufactured architectural projects and pavilions in recent years has shifted the boundaries of architectural design and fabrication to a great extent. Hence, there exists a gap between the computational design and computationally controlled or informed manufacturing. This imposes additional design and production time, waste of material, and in general project costs, more specifically for non-conventional projects. The expansion of architects’ computational design skills did not always require an up-to-speed knowledge of computer-aided manufacturing and expertise with material. This is maybe one of the main causes of the aforementioned gap. Moreover, experiments in architectural firms and schools are not always of the same nature. Students of architecture are not necessarily equipped with the knowledge that could be used in the real field to solve the actual computation design and making problems. This article elaborates on an academic experiment attempting to narrow this gap. The project begins with a series of subtractive wood bending experimentations. These studies then provide the foundations for developing a task-specific design and manufacturing toolkit that allows for an accelerated design and making process. To prove the concept, a group of 12 students finalized the final design in one day and delivered the final manufactured pavilion in a week.

authorsKoupaei, Afshin
titleBendscape: Optimized Manufacturing by Incorporating Tool Development and Machining in Design
sourceNicole Gardner, Christiane M. Herr, Likai Wang, Hirano Toshiki, Sumbul Ahmad Khan (eds.), ACCELERATED DESIGN – Proceedings of the 29th CAADRIA Conference, Singapore, 20-26 April 2024, Volume 3, pp. 301–310
CuminCAD LinkCumincad : CUMINCAD Papers : Paper caadria2024_489:Bendscape: Optimized Manufacturing by Incorporating Tool Development and Machining in Design
keywordssubtractive manufacturing, cnc machining, robotic manufacturing, computational tool developing, material experiment, wood bending, kerf bending, manufacturing optimization
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